Think about the effect

Before your Action

Small actions have big consequences.

Vehicle pollution, industrial pollutants, and dust storms all contribute to poor air quality in Saudi Arabia. Pollution levels vary seasonally, with the peak levels occurring in the spring (March to May) due to an increase in dust storms. Air and Water pollution affect our environment and our society greatly. This project was conducted to raise awareness on the topic of pollution. Our goal as a company is to decrease the annual PM rates of pollution in my hometown Riyadh.

Our Organization

Our campaign is mainly made of short videos, reels, and posters to raise awareness about the dangers of pollution. 

With various infographics and posters, we aim to spread our infographics and posters by putting them up in local areas and organizations. These infographics and posters are intended to educate everyone about air and water pollution, as well as its fatal effects. We hope to spread the message through short but effective posters to raise awareness about actionable items in our daily lives to create an impact as a community. 

About the founder

Haya is a 16-year old student at Advanced Learning Schools in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She started this project with a passion and drive to change the environmental issue of pollution in Riyadh.

“When looking out the window of my hometown Riyadh and viewing the gray smoke rising out of large factories or the careless tossing of grocery bags on the streets, I started to wonder where the smoke rose to or where these plastic bags ended up.”